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Valioa's PG Guide!

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  • cuuzi
    Thanks again, this was really helpful!

    Last question based on
    Pull up jumper is okay in some situations, another skill thats up to you to use.
    also have The Witch (Offense) Card in my possesion. If I equip that I get the set bonus, Pull Up Jumper, same level as I can buy in skillshop. Should I just go for that then? (I really like the big bonus on 3pt though)

    Edit: I've already tried using this set, but didn't find much use from the skill gained. Maybe I just didn't even know when I'm using it well. It's that faster animation shot you can do after the dribble right? The shots didn't get blocked but I was missing those a lot when I was trying out this set bonus.
    Last edited by cuuzi; 04-23-2017, 01:19 PM.

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  • Valioa
    Originally posted by cuuzi View Post
    Hey Val, thanks for the guide. I actually just leveled my PG to 12, then made a DG as my main, but this guide was still really useful and I don't know how I'd manage without!
    No problem man.

    Originally posted by cuuzi View Post
    I decided to go for a bit more scoring DG I guess and put a lot of stats into my 3pt.

    Here are my cards:
    My next goal here is to change my Talent card or at least try to reroll the bonus stats it has.

    Here are my stats at level 40
    Shirt is +3pt, Shoes are +Speed. Pants are +0 yet, but I plan to make them +steal soon.

    I have the attribute.reset and speciality reset tokens. I'm planing on using them since I realized I'm having quite a problem in defense. Lately I started to stop giving people wide shots and I can mark them even after their dribbles, but I cant seem to get any blocks off. Do I need to invest more into block/steal and would changing my speciality to "Balanced" help me with this problem in a noticeable way? (edit: ATM I'm shrewd)
    understandable about going for scoring DG, thats fine. For cards, i recommend sub.att changing / rerolling the offense and talent cards, they are not the best stats u can get, if you have that kinda money... if you don't thats fine. As for stats, i recommend reducing the 3pt att. on the training section, since you have 3pt top to compensate. Add some mid / long layup to your training instead. DG's have the worst defense out there, but thats alright, make up for that in defensive training, aka marking, stealing, blocking practice with your friends or within a real match. For your pants, steal or block thats up to you ultimately. If you want to be more defense, then go right ahead and be balanced type for that extra defensive boost, but slightly less scoring ability.

    Originally posted by cuuzi View Post
    PS: Atm I'm using skills:
    • Direct Pass 1
    • Rolling Dive Catch 1
    • Alley-oop Pass 1
    • Jump Pass 3
    • Kill Pass 3
    • Drive Fake 3
    • Non Stop Pass 1
    • Manual Layup 3
    • Intercept 3
    • SP Intercept 2
    • SP Steal 3
    • SP Diving Catch 2

    Are any of these useless or am I missing anything crucial?

    I feel like my intercept is so much worse than PG's, but I dont know if thats just my feeling, cuz I'm bad but I'm not sure it's worth having 2 skills into it. Atm my gameplay is mostly that of a pass 1st DG, but I like shooting 3pters and most of all I like pulling defense on me so I can make great setups for my teammates. If I'm not a threat myself I can't really do plays like that.

    Edit 2: I've tried playing with Quick Jumper, but I can't use it reliably, I often get a shot in the low red shoot gauge or it even makes my intended fake into a quick jumper that then often gets blocked. But most of the time I just fail at procing it, even when I have full intention of doing so and even expecting the pass. (I can do it with 100% repeat rate in quick jumper training, but real game is much harder). Is this something I should really learn how to use for my gamestyle?

    Also I'll probably end up with 2 different item/skill sets in the end and use whatever I need depending on my role in the team. I want this char to be very versatile that can fill any non-rebounding need the team is lacking.

    Any comment/remark about my build or answer to any of the specific questions would be very welcome. Thanks again!

    Let me slowlyyyyyy provide my insight on your skills:

    Non stop for a scorer is not really needed imo, well unless you are playing dash or something that involves you dashing somewhere, attracting the defenders that are on your teammate.

    Alley oop is a great option and is very similar to non stop pass, where you can simply tell your teammate to alley when hes wide open in the paint after the defense double teams you. you can also combo this with Floater and jump passing to create a swing play.

    I recommend adding Jump Shoot & Pass to your arsenal, with Quick Jumper. these are nice techniques to create mind games, and give you that open fast shot when needed.

    I Will let you in on something: Intercept and SP intercept is not needed for a DG imo... they do not have great intercepting skills in general due to their SP intercept being lower than PG, and steal stat as well. Having high steal stat increases intercept success rate, and since you have low steal, its kinda useless in a sense. If you really are set on being a scoring DG, intercept is not needed, but again that's totally up to you to use it, I see some SFs and SGs use intercept if they have open slots.

    Get some Double Clutch, useful in some cases, and Pass Fake as well, good layup scoring option, giving you the ability to do a fast layup when in a pinch. Combo that with double clutch, and you have yourself a tough move to stop.

    SP diving catch.... hmm.... You don't NEED it, but its useful in some cases of course. up to you on that one if you want to keep or drop it.

    Pull up jumper is okay in some situations, another skill thats up to you to use.

    Behind the Back is great scoring option as well, but not needed.

    The other skills that I didn't call you out on are all great!

    Hope my insight helped.


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  • cuuzi
    Hey Val, thanks for the guide. I actually just leveled my PG to 12, then made a DG as my main, but this guide was still really useful and I don't know how I'd manage without!

    I decided to go for a bit more scoring DG I guess and put a lot of stats into my 3pt.

    Here are my cards:
    My next goal here is to change my Talent card or at least try to reroll the bonus stats it has.

    Here are my stats at level 40
    Shirt is +3pt, Shoes are +Speed. Pants are +0 yet, but I plan to make them +steal soon.

    I have the attribute.reset and speciality reset tokens. I'm planing on using them since I realized I'm having quite a problem in defense. Lately I started to stop giving people wide shots and I can mark them even after their dribbles, but I cant seem to get any blocks off. Do I need to invest more into block/steal and would changing my speciality to "Balanced" help me with this problem in a noticeable way? (edit: ATM I'm shrewd)

    PS: Atm I'm using skills:
    • Direct Pass 1
    • Rolling Dive Catch 1
    • Alley-oop Pass 1
    • Jump Pass 3
    • Kill Pass 3
    • Drive Fake 3
    • Non Stop Pass 1
    • Manual Layup 3
    • Intercept 3
    • SP Intercept 2
    • SP Steal 3
    • SP Diving Catch 2

    Are any of these useless or am I missing anything crucial?

    I feel like my intercept is so much worse than PG's, but I dont know if thats just my feeling, cuz I'm bad but I'm not sure it's worth having 2 skills into it. Atm my gameplay is mostly that of a pass 1st DG, but I like shooting 3pters and most of all I like pulling defense on me so I can make great setups for my teammates. If I'm not a threat myself I can't really do plays like that.

    Edit 2: I've tried playing with Quick Jumper, but I can't use it reliably, I often get a shot in the low red shoot gauge or it even makes my intended fake into a quick jumper that then often gets blocked. But most of the time I just fail at procing it, even when I have full intention of doing so and even expecting the pass. (I can do it with 100% repeat rate in quick jumper training, but real game is much harder). Is this something I should really learn how to use for my gamestyle?

    Also I'll probably end up with 2 different item/skill sets in the end and use whatever I need depending on my role in the team. I want this char to be very versatile that can fill any non-rebounding need the team is lacking.

    Any comment/remark about my build or answer to any of the specific questions would be very welcome. Thanks again!
    Last edited by cuuzi; 04-23-2017, 11:40 AM.

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  • Earpaj
    Originally posted by Valioa View Post

    No problem ^_^ I woke up outta nowhere by the way LOL,
    My bad then bro haha, "player mod leader" standing up for its name I see XD

    Laters man, TY for the help.

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  • Valioa
    Originally posted by Earpaj View Post

    Yeah man youre right aye, well I better start practicing then because baseball pass is really useful and all that. If we actually pay attention to the way the line goes up the baseball pass meter its not fast nor slow so yeah I reckon its all about getting the right timing. Watch some of the vids, baseball pass really is helpful for pillar playstyle I see, most of my mates couldnt master it and just decided they'd go without it and focus more on being a shrewd scoring PG (ya know mid iso shit). Anyway thanks man ill keep practicing and keep what you said in mind aye. Cheers.

    No problem ^_^ I woke up outta nowhere by the way LOL,

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  • Earpaj
    Originally posted by Valioa View Post

    Master baseball pass with the tiny bar.

    Just gotta practice man.

    I can do baseball pass without the bar 56 times with 175 pass or whatever the base pass is for shrewd PGs...

    Here are some ways to practice:

    1. Get a friend or play against AI in free match, and constantly baseball pass to them, mastering the timing.

    2. Go to non stop pass tutorial mode, and do baseball pass without the bar, gaining muscle memory for baseball pass.

    Now.... Here is a way to get the timing every time.

    You can either:

    A. look at the legs

    B. Look at the extension of the arm

    When the arm is completely extended... that is when you should release.

    When the leg starts to reach its peak of height off the ground and starts to fall, that is when you should let go.

    ALSO, keep in mind that males and female have different timings to baseball pass ( Males is faster timing than female)

    Figure out the timing and gain muscle memory for it, and sure enough, even you can master baseball pass like I did.

    here is some matches where I used baseball pass countless times with a shrewd PG:

    ANDDDDDDDDD, on my FAQ, it talks about how to control where you pass with baseball pass:

    19.How to baseball pass correctly to your scorer ?

    When you baseball pass, You can:
    • A. Press no arrow keys to pass to the closest teammate
    • B. Pass to a farther teammate using either Up or Down if you are on the left or right side of the court, / and Right or Left if u are facing towards the rim and trying to pass. This is to specify where u want to pass to based off of your teammate's positions.
    and finally, check out this demonstration of how to practice baseball pass featuring larson, a legend in FS2 in the old NA era:

    Yeah man youre right aye, well I better start practicing then because baseball pass is really useful and all that. If we actually pay attention to the way the line goes up the baseball pass meter its not fast nor slow so yeah I reckon its all about getting the right timing. Watch some of the vids, baseball pass really is helpful for pillar playstyle I see, most of my mates couldnt master it and just decided they'd go without it and focus more on being a shrewd scoring PG (ya know mid iso shit). Anyway thanks man ill keep practicing and keep what you said in mind aye. Cheers.

    The Larson Baseball Pass practice on non stop I wouldnt say is bad but maybe just not my thing maybe because I rely on bar too much, means this practice might actually help me conquer that weakness. Although in AI I've done baseball pass heaps of times haha but in normal matches still have heaps of screwing up and stuff probably because of the pressure but I guess I'll get used to it aye as everyone makes mistakes, Thanks again bud.
    Last edited by Earpaj; 04-22-2017, 09:58 PM.

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  • Valioa
    Originally posted by Earpaj View Post
    Yo Val really helpful guide man, just wanted to ask because my main is SW and im ya know playing PG now, which is kinda difficult changing roles and stuff but so far so good, im getting quite the hang of intercept timing , steals etc. The thing is for a shrewd PG im really having trouble with the baseball pass, im not sure if I just dont know the right timing or the bar is just so small.
    Im a Billy PG with 181 pass so pretty much avg I would say. So my question is if lets say I get a pass attrib of 220-230 and I change to power type, im sure baseball pass bar would be bigger but you reckon itll be a decent size? if so can you have a screenshot of it as I'm really not sure if im gonna change to power type just for baseball pass. And I heard that power type PGs have different bars on the baseball meter or so? is this true? thanks in advance and keep up the good work will all these guides really helpful man.

    Master baseball pass with the tiny bar.

    Just gotta practice man.

    I can do baseball pass without the bar 56 times in a row with 175 pass or whatever the base pass is for shrewd PGs...

    Here are some ways to practice:

    1. Get a friend or play against AI in free match, and constantly baseball pass to them, mastering the timing.

    2. Go to non stop pass tutorial mode, and do baseball pass without the bar, gaining muscle memory for baseball pass.

    Now.... Here is a way to get the timing every time.

    You can either:

    A. look at the legs

    B. Look at the extension of the arm

    When the arm is completely extended... that is when you should release.

    When the leg starts to reach its peak of height off the ground and starts to fall, that is when you should let go.

    ALSO, keep in mind that males and female have different timings to baseball pass ( Males is faster timing than female)

    Figure out the timing and gain muscle memory for it, and sure enough, even you can master baseball pass like I did.

    here is some matches where I used baseball pass countless times with a shrewd PG:

    ANDDDDDDDDD, on my FAQ, it talks about how to control where you pass with baseball pass:

    19.How to baseball pass correctly to your scorer ?

    When you baseball pass, You can:
    • A. Press no arrow keys to pass to the closest teammate
    • B. Pass to a farther teammate using either Up or Down if you are on the left or right side of the court, / and Right or Left if u are facing towards the rim and trying to pass. This is to specify where u want to pass to based off of your teammate's positions.
    and finally, check out this demonstration of how to practice baseball pass featuring larson, a legend in FS2 in the old NA era:

    BONUS: DBLL himself also did a baseball pass challenge with 180 pass stat, and he doesnt even baseball as much as I do.

    Last edited by Valioa; 04-22-2017, 12:02 AM.

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  • Earpaj
    Yo Val really helpful guide man, just wanted to ask because my main is SW and im ya know playing PG now, which is kinda difficult changing roles and stuff but so far so good, im getting quite the hang of intercept timing , steals etc. The thing is for a shrewd PG im really having trouble with the baseball pass, im not sure if I just dont know the right timing or the bar is just so small.
    Im a Billy PG with 181 pass so pretty much avg I would say. So my question is if lets say I get a pass attrib of 220-230 and I change to power type, im sure baseball pass bar would be bigger but you reckon itll be a decent size? if so can you have a screenshot of it as I'm really not sure if im gonna change to power type just for baseball pass. And I heard that power type PGs have different bars on the baseball meter or so? is this true? thanks in advance and keep up the good work will all these guides really helpful man.

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  • Valioa
    Im thinking about adding the latest SPCs to my guide soon guys, stay tuned! ^_^

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  • dylanoxycodone
    This is actually a really nice guide, alot of pgs need to see this

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  • Valioa
    Originally posted by Axeraer View Post
    Which one of these cards should i use

    I would prefer the move speed / face up speed cause its not random/luck like intercept range is.m

    But its ultimately up to u, they are both good stats

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  • Axeraer
    Which one of these cards should i use

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  • Valioa
    Originally posted by Close1
    what do you think about this val?

    I see no problems here, good job

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  • akont23
    Hi again valioa , How to predict pointer drive or move , hard to do bumping . Do you have trick for mark

    Please fast resp

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  • Valioa
    Originally posted by akont23 View Post
    Hi vall , how much att steal i need for do like your video korea ? 200 att is good? And how much speed i need to?

    Already my pg have 176 att steal and 201 speed
    I want be Thief Pg in asia

    Pls fast resp
    High steal is good, but it is not needed... u can live off of 170 steal, 200 is kinda overboard, but is useful.

    Speed is way more important than steal, so focus on that as well.

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