Although it is your choice for what cards you pick, here are some recommended attributes/stats that you should be aiming for:
Primary Stats: Steal, Stamina, 3pt, Middle Shot, Running Speed, Pass, Long Layup, Block
Secondary Stats: (Please let me know if I missed some stats)
Dive Success - Increases the timing window of your dives. A must for PGs.
Dive Fail Decrease - Increases the chance of the ball landing in your hands when diving.
Move Speed - Makes your character move faster with/without the ball in hand, good for defense and offensive strats. I tested that each addition to move speed = 1 millisecond of speed
Move Collision Angle - Increases the range in which you "bump" into opponents.
Move Collision Resistance - Increases the chance of you not getting "bumped" by others.
Steal Motion - Increases the speed and recovery in which you swipe/steal the ball.
Long Layup Range - Increases the range of layups.
Kick out/Entry pass speed/intercept resist - Pass speed/Decreases chance of intercept when passing Quick Jumper Activation Speed - Increases the speed of quick jumper.
Stamina Max/Recovery - Increases max stamina/recovery rate.
Face Up Speed - Makes your face up faster.
3pt Success - Increases the chance of 3pt going in.
3pt Success(No Mark) - Increases the chance of a 3pt going in when Wide Open aka No Mark appears. Mid Shot Success - Increases chances of Middle shot going in.
Alley-Oop Fail decrease - Increases chance of alley-oop success
Alley-Oop Range - Increases the range of Alley-oop (which is originally inside the arc).
For example, here are the cards I use the majority of the time:

Although the Post shot and Post up Quick change are useless, the rest of my stats are what most PGs should be going for!
As for SP Edition Card Decks, SP#4, SP#3, and SP#5 are best for PGs.
SP Edition #4 gives +7 Long Layup, +7 Steal, and +7 Steal again with random att. for secondary stats without upgrading! This is by far the best SP set for PGs hands down.
SP Edition #5 gives +7 3pt, +7 Running Speed, and 3pt+7 again!
SP Edition #3 gives +7 Middle Shot, +7 Stamina, and +7 Middle Shot again! In addition, an SP Edition card set gives you +7 stats for all of the attributes as well.
I Recently Got SP#1 EDITION:

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