I remember you all... CrunchyCookies and I were always kind of the C/PF in Gwars. G wars was the reason why I made a C the day FS2 CBT came out. When I maxed level at 25 I was #1 in all the important C stats (Shaniqua). That was also when the server was East.
After that I made a PF (BuckTucker) because my ping became garbage (85 min, usually 95ish). PG is Persephone. I am currently leveling an SG named Cyntherea, I need SF and SG for my All-Rounder Title. She is lvl 43 and my SF (BuffyTuffer) is like 36 or so. I suck at SG and SF but I still have fun. Hope to see you in game.
Sorry to bring up an old post, haven't been on forums in awhile. #TeamBRUH4Life!!! #Afrologicalâ„¢IsAJoke

Sorry to bring up an old post, haven't been on forums in awhile. #TeamBRUH4Life!!! #Afrologicalâ„¢IsAJoke