Yes it’s a bug. It’s a rare one though. My C done it one time when I was lagging so bad. I was like wtf C dove ?!? All the bugs have been reported 92749362946292638 times in game to devs. I’ve done over my fair share. Val has also. Dbll..
This guy Zydrunnas was incredible for reporting them.
Unfortunately none of the bugs have been fixed since OBT and of course central server hasn’t even came yet so 😑.
In all honesty it’s not fair to you guys because 9 times out of 10 in that play your SG didn’t even mean to bug.
I bug almost every game due to my high MS but hey if central was here some of the MS of players (over 60) would be cleaned up a little.
I know it won’t stop bugs but it’s what many people been wanting for awhile.
Ive never seen a game as buggy as this but been wanting them to get patched.
The devs and Gms really need to start actually playing in Asia/EU/NA servers idc which cause every time they think the bugs don’t exist somehow.
Love helping people out and all but if you seriously show no improvement from bug fixes... don’t get mad when people abuse them.
Bugs are still considered cheating though. Gms and devs are doing well monitoring I’ll give them that though.
Dont put a bandaid on this. That’s just how trump works ...
also so there was another post I saw stating Gms fixing bugs or taking things down focused primary on gkash (or losing money)
lately it it has seemed that back then (Lucy era) she’d push for bug fixes no matter if it was points or skills. 🤨 what’s happening lmao
I have mad respect for y’all letting 24 sec slide in giving them the ball. That right there shows you/team as whole character.
This guy Zydrunnas was incredible for reporting them.
Unfortunately none of the bugs have been fixed since OBT and of course central server hasn’t even came yet so 😑.
In all honesty it’s not fair to you guys because 9 times out of 10 in that play your SG didn’t even mean to bug.
I bug almost every game due to my high MS but hey if central was here some of the MS of players (over 60) would be cleaned up a little.
I know it won’t stop bugs but it’s what many people been wanting for awhile.
Ive never seen a game as buggy as this but been wanting them to get patched.
The devs and Gms really need to start actually playing in Asia/EU/NA servers idc which cause every time they think the bugs don’t exist somehow.
Love helping people out and all but if you seriously show no improvement from bug fixes... don’t get mad when people abuse them.
Bugs are still considered cheating though. Gms and devs are doing well monitoring I’ll give them that though.
Dont put a bandaid on this. That’s just how trump works ...
also so there was another post I saw stating Gms fixing bugs or taking things down focused primary on gkash (or losing money)
lately it it has seemed that back then (Lucy era) she’d push for bug fixes no matter if it was points or skills. 🤨 what’s happening lmao
I have mad respect for y’all letting 24 sec slide in giving them the ball. That right there shows you/team as whole character.