How to play like Kobe Bryant!

Step 1. Tell your teammate to ISO you. It gives you a 1 on 1 with you and the opponent.
Step 2. Have Jab Step in your skill slot. (Press A + Tap Directional keys to the direction you are going)

[B]Step 3. Black Mamba Strike! (Preferably start the offense at the side of the court)
Step 3a. If the player reach, you move the opposite direction away from your opponent to cause your defender to flop OR drive past them.
Step 3b. If the player back away...shoot it.
Step 3c. If the player face up by moving random direction back and forth? You don't run the play, just do the Kobe Fadaway!
Step 3d IF NONE OF THAT SH*T WORK? LAG STEALERS LIKE WYH? H*CKERS BLOCKERS LIKE VELOCITY? Just chuck A pull-up & hope for the best. Ez win.
Great things will happen.
"You will 100% miss the shot if you don't take."

How can you handle the pressure during CRUNCH TIME?
How can you handle the pressure during CRUNCH TIME?
[B]Step 1. "Always be 10 steps ahead of your opponent"
You must, must always visualize what you are planning to do in your head before you perform the move. The result should show if you visualize it correctly how you want it to played out. You must anticipate!
Step 2. "How to Handle the pressure"
YOU FKN MUST STAY CALM AND GET THE JOB DONE. Think about could either WIN big or you LOSE...period. What other possibility do you have? 50/50 right?
Always go for the KILL if you want to be great!
Step 3. "Never be afraid of greatness" No one will REMEMBER A LOSER. When you lose, people will lose faith in you and leave. It's either you win BIG or you suck...GO HOME!
Pick your destiny.
**IMPORTANT NOTE** IF NONE OF THAT KOBE JAB WORKS? JUST SPAM PULL-UP 3 HARD AS YOU CAN. (Preferably range 3 with face shot. More defenders on you for more shooting % bonus to make the shots go in. Then talk sh*t hard as you can for the next 5 minutes - in hope they will rage disconnect on you like Urie did in the tournament.)
- Mamba Out