This guide will go through the benefits of using baseball pass and tips on using the skill correctly.
What is Baseball Pass?
Baseball Pass is a skill that a Point Guard can purchase once they reach level 24. It cannot be intercepted and has infinite range (except right next to you). To use the skill, hold 'R' and release within the green bar. The greater your Pass attribute, the larger the green bar is.
Why use Baseball Pass?
Baseball pass can accurately pass to far away teammates without fear of the pass being intercepted. It can be used in any play style, but is essential in play styles where it is critical to get the ball to the main scorer, such as Iso, Pillar, Swing, or even Dash.
An example of effective baseball pass usage can be seen in the NA 2017 Summer Crew Tourney by Intoxicated's Eunbit:
Baseball pass was used to prevent intercepts from team dUP and safely get the ball to the main scorer Thador. In the second half, you can also see Eunbit using baseball pass to Verivus when she was open. Passing to the teammate across the court can only be done by learning how to correctly baseball.
Passing to the Correct Teammate
When using the skill without pressing any direction, you will pass to the closest target. To pass to a teammate further away, you must press a direction key while using the baseball pass. The direction you press is determined by where you and your teammates are.
There are a few different scenarios for baseball passing:
Simply hold left while using baseball to pass to the target on the left (E), or hold right to pass to target on the right (Q).

Tips on Hitting the Green Bar
It may sound cliche, but practice is the best way to get consistent at hitting baseball passes. At some point, muscle memory takes over and you will pay little attention to the bar itself. However, there are some tips you can learn to help improve a little faster.
You can look at your character's animation to time your release. This is a trick I learned from Valioa when I was learning how to baseball pass. The best time to release the pass is when your leg is fully extended and the ball is all the way back.
I mentioned at the beginning of the guide that the green bar gets larger depending on your Pass attribute.
While it is easier to hit baseball passes with a high Pass attribute, it is not recommended to add additional points to the attribute just for increasing the green bar. You can consistently hit baseball passes with a low pass attribute (I have 179) once you practice enough.
Here is a video of DBLL hitting 83 baseball passes in a row with 180 pass attribute:
A good thing to note is that male PG's baseball timing is actually quicker than a female PG's baseball pass. If you alternate between two different PG's, this timing difference may make the baseball pass more difficult. Here is a video from Left-Eye showing the difference in timing:
What is Baseball Pass?
Baseball Pass is a skill that a Point Guard can purchase once they reach level 24. It cannot be intercepted and has infinite range (except right next to you). To use the skill, hold 'R' and release within the green bar. The greater your Pass attribute, the larger the green bar is.

Why use Baseball Pass?
Baseball pass can accurately pass to far away teammates without fear of the pass being intercepted. It can be used in any play style, but is essential in play styles where it is critical to get the ball to the main scorer, such as Iso, Pillar, Swing, or even Dash.
An example of effective baseball pass usage can be seen in the NA 2017 Summer Crew Tourney by Intoxicated's Eunbit:
Baseball pass was used to prevent intercepts from team dUP and safely get the ball to the main scorer Thador. In the second half, you can also see Eunbit using baseball pass to Verivus when she was open. Passing to the teammate across the court can only be done by learning how to correctly baseball.
Passing to the Correct Teammate
When using the skill without pressing any direction, you will pass to the closest target. To pass to a teammate further away, you must press a direction key while using the baseball pass. The direction you press is determined by where you and your teammates are.
There are a few different scenarios for baseball passing:
Simply hold left while using baseball to pass to the target on the left (E), or hold right to pass to target on the right (Q).

Hold up to pass to target Q, or hold down to pass to target E.
Hold up to pass to target Q, or hold down to pass to target E.

Through a Teammate
This scenario happens when you and your team are parallel to each other. To pass to target E (the closer teammate), simply press no direction key while you baseball. To pass to target Q (the further teammate), hold up while you baseball.
This scenario happens when you and your team are parallel to each other. To pass to target E (the closer teammate), simply press no direction key while you baseball. To pass to target Q (the further teammate), hold up while you baseball.

Tips on Hitting the Green Bar
It may sound cliche, but practice is the best way to get consistent at hitting baseball passes. At some point, muscle memory takes over and you will pay little attention to the bar itself. However, there are some tips you can learn to help improve a little faster.
You can look at your character's animation to time your release. This is a trick I learned from Valioa when I was learning how to baseball pass. The best time to release the pass is when your leg is fully extended and the ball is all the way back.

I mentioned at the beginning of the guide that the green bar gets larger depending on your Pass attribute.

While it is easier to hit baseball passes with a high Pass attribute, it is not recommended to add additional points to the attribute just for increasing the green bar. You can consistently hit baseball passes with a low pass attribute (I have 179) once you practice enough.
Here is a video of DBLL hitting 83 baseball passes in a row with 180 pass attribute:
A good thing to note is that male PG's baseball timing is actually quicker than a female PG's baseball pass. If you alternate between two different PG's, this timing difference may make the baseball pass more difficult. Here is a video from Left-Eye showing the difference in timing: