I've been playing as a PF for a while with a very stable ping ( 20-30 at max.) and I wanna ask if it's worth putting attibutes on rebounding or not.
A lot of Iso PFs ( and many others, too.) tend to put very little ( if not, none.) on rebound, yet they still be able to compete against other PFs or Cs that have put attributes on rebound just fine. I also realized that rebound attribute affects very little on the gameplay. While yes, it increases rebound range and height, again, even if you don't put a single attribute point on rebound, it's not much of a difference ( I've tested both builds with and without rebound attribute. The differences are barely noticeable, even with added suits.) So is it really worth it to put more than a bar or two at max on rebound? Cause in Asia, the meta of PF builds is just straight speed, tussle, stamina and block on defense, the rest is on offense, which makes me really curious.. They seem to rely on ping more than actual stat.
A lot of Iso PFs ( and many others, too.) tend to put very little ( if not, none.) on rebound, yet they still be able to compete against other PFs or Cs that have put attributes on rebound just fine. I also realized that rebound attribute affects very little on the gameplay. While yes, it increases rebound range and height, again, even if you don't put a single attribute point on rebound, it's not much of a difference ( I've tested both builds with and without rebound attribute. The differences are barely noticeable, even with added suits.) So is it really worth it to put more than a bar or two at max on rebound? Cause in Asia, the meta of PF builds is just straight speed, tussle, stamina and block on defense, the rest is on offense, which makes me really curious.. They seem to rely on ping more than actual stat.