Well I know many of you would like to make a sw but feel like you don't know how to build it. So I have came up with a guild for sw. And I have nothing else to do right now. I will be updating the post regular and I might for get all about this when I leave my grandma's house
First off I will be giving details from a non pay to win perspective seen that most of the players aren't p2w. Sadly I will be giving away all my tricks and skills. But who gives a fuck u still can't cover me.
Sweet lvl 12. So all sws start off at lvl 12 I believe and the first skill u should get if u only have 7000 is double clutch. ... my gosh this is taken to much time do am going to make this guide nice and soft just like my palms.
Double clutch
Manual lay up
V cut
If u don't have these fu ck off the sw position.
Same as lvl12 tbh but add:
Fancy drive
Drive fake
Lvl 32
Same shit
But add
Trip prevenT and side step
If you're bitchh ass was not counting thats 7 skills already. Palms? Are u sure ? Duck no.. I ment to say duck. but if u wanna be a boss like
me add that sp dunk activate so u can fly from free shot line. Make 8 skills.
Lvl 40 - 50
After this lvl u should already have a feel of sw if not to bad.
U stood have these skills but lvl 40 MUST HAVE:
Manual lay up
Drive fake
fancy drive
Double clutch
Sp dunk activate
If u add trip prevent at lvl 40 plz do gtfo cuz its still getting swiped.
Back step
Scoop shot which I will explain
Sp success 3
Sp success mids or what ever it's called. These are the skills sw need at lvl 40. O yes add manual blk if u have space.
Hahaha now here is the trick. palms? Are u sure u should be giving this information... duck they can't stop me anyways.
Just get pull up jumper jajajajaja
Now if u have all extra slots I will tell u what u should add. Ooboy palms don't tell em. Stfu conscious keep calm and believe in palm.
Out of the four extra slots get manual blk,.. sucks for all who don't have Euro step. And I don't know what else to add. But pressure me your lvl 40 now. Good job
Ok attribute part I was going to leave this spot blank cuz it's freestyle but w.e
Ok so because am doing this from a non p2w perspective (ewww) here are the attributes u will need. Now I would show a picture of my stats but duck that. Anyways.
Lay up :should be at 210 at least
Speed :185 at least
Stamina : I don't care how long u can breathe for.
Mids: this attribute is more important that lay up trust. Have at least 195 mids
3 points: not really sws strong point so 160 is actually fine. Trust me mofo no one would know I have 168 3s until now. Duck conscience u were right why am I doing this... duh from your heart and u need to entertain your self at your grandma's house. True true. Love u.
It's u haven't notice the attribute part is over. Now to tell u the truth I have more and different skills then this. But I had these skills for majority of my sw life. But I have been practicing different plays with friends and foes .
Play style
Oo man do I really have to u the way how I play. Gosh am all ready 6, feet deep.
Ok everyone here is my play style am wide open like your mom in labour. I love birth.
Ok fussy thing u wanna do is use my trusted friend vcut. When the timer is counting down 3 2 1. As soon as it hits 1 get ready to vcut and buddy through the defense. Yawn easy lay up from there on. Vcut IS SWS BEST FRIEND. ACTUALLY PALMS IT'S MANUAL LAY UP. NO IT'S VCUT HOURS U EXPECT TO GET TO LAY UP IF U CANT GET PASS DEFENSE my gosh conscience just shhh.oo yes this is where high speed attribute comes in well. Trust with this play style u can score in less then 2.00 secs
Step two
Sws second FRIEND side step
Hello everyone this is palms conscience I decided with way he sides steps so I will be helping u with that part. Easy and simple walk left and then side step right... walk like u going right then drive and side step left. Orr if u wana take sw to heart like NastyPalms. call a screen and when ur partner comes and screen for u side step that way and ur defender will be tasting the sweet on your screeners shirt. (Ewww) ok it's my turn away thanks for the helP. Ok now it's. Time for sws third friend sp dunk activate. Plz do know sp dunk activate is not always going to let u dunk every time. It's self explanatory so next
Sw next best friend is scoop shot .. ha i ducking lied get rid of that sh it. Bigs are still blocking it. It does have it advantage but it will be sitting in your skill slot till then. The importance of scoop shot is that u are able to turn your lay up into a quicker lay up and prevents bids from running back and blking your normal manual lay up. Now if a big is in the post and u feel like u can lay up still don't ducking do it. Watch where the big is standing. He is usually in a particular area under the net that's when the yeet shot comes in (scoop shot).
Now palms why did u say I don't need trip prevent?. Conscience !! Only noobs and newbies use training wheels next question... how far can u lay up from....no comment next question. How old are u... no comment next question. Any more questions. Do u feel this good is actually helpful.. hmmmm no comment ok thanks bye . I had fun making this I hope u guys have fun reading it. I wanna so more sws on the court. Now tbh one again I did not give u my real skills and play style I use at this current moment. But I have been using these skills and play style majority of my sw gaming. Any more questions.. I dint think so.. meet u guys again when I log on. # join Team Nasty # team nasty for tourney champs # sw for life
First off I will be giving details from a non pay to win perspective seen that most of the players aren't p2w. Sadly I will be giving away all my tricks and skills. But who gives a fuck u still can't cover me.
Sweet lvl 12. So all sws start off at lvl 12 I believe and the first skill u should get if u only have 7000 is double clutch. ... my gosh this is taken to much time do am going to make this guide nice and soft just like my palms.
Double clutch
Manual lay up
V cut
If u don't have these fu ck off the sw position.
Same as lvl12 tbh but add:
Fancy drive
Drive fake
Lvl 32
Same shit
But add
Trip prevenT and side step
If you're bitchh ass was not counting thats 7 skills already. Palms? Are u sure ? Duck no.. I ment to say duck. but if u wanna be a boss like

Lvl 40 - 50
After this lvl u should already have a feel of sw if not to bad.
U stood have these skills but lvl 40 MUST HAVE:
Manual lay up
Drive fake
fancy drive
Double clutch
Sp dunk activate
If u add trip prevent at lvl 40 plz do gtfo cuz its still getting swiped.
Back step
Scoop shot which I will explain
Sp success 3
Sp success mids or what ever it's called. These are the skills sw need at lvl 40. O yes add manual blk if u have space.
Hahaha now here is the trick. palms? Are u sure u should be giving this information... duck they can't stop me anyways.
Just get pull up jumper jajajajaja
Now if u have all extra slots I will tell u what u should add. Ooboy palms don't tell em. Stfu conscious keep calm and believe in palm.
Out of the four extra slots get manual blk,.. sucks for all who don't have Euro step. And I don't know what else to add. But pressure me your lvl 40 now. Good job
Ok attribute part I was going to leave this spot blank cuz it's freestyle but w.e
Ok so because am doing this from a non p2w perspective (ewww) here are the attributes u will need. Now I would show a picture of my stats but duck that. Anyways.
Lay up :should be at 210 at least
Speed :185 at least
Stamina : I don't care how long u can breathe for.
Mids: this attribute is more important that lay up trust. Have at least 195 mids
3 points: not really sws strong point so 160 is actually fine. Trust me mofo no one would know I have 168 3s until now. Duck conscience u were right why am I doing this... duh from your heart and u need to entertain your self at your grandma's house. True true. Love u.
It's u haven't notice the attribute part is over. Now to tell u the truth I have more and different skills then this. But I had these skills for majority of my sw life. But I have been practicing different plays with friends and foes .
Play style
Oo man do I really have to u the way how I play. Gosh am all ready 6, feet deep.
Ok everyone here is my play style am wide open like your mom in labour. I love birth.
Ok fussy thing u wanna do is use my trusted friend vcut. When the timer is counting down 3 2 1. As soon as it hits 1 get ready to vcut and buddy through the defense. Yawn easy lay up from there on. Vcut IS SWS BEST FRIEND. ACTUALLY PALMS IT'S MANUAL LAY UP. NO IT'S VCUT HOURS U EXPECT TO GET TO LAY UP IF U CANT GET PASS DEFENSE my gosh conscience just shhh.oo yes this is where high speed attribute comes in well. Trust with this play style u can score in less then 2.00 secs

Step two
Sws second FRIEND side step
Hello everyone this is palms conscience I decided with way he sides steps so I will be helping u with that part. Easy and simple walk left and then side step right... walk like u going right then drive and side step left. Orr if u wana take sw to heart like NastyPalms. call a screen and when ur partner comes and screen for u side step that way and ur defender will be tasting the sweet on your screeners shirt. (Ewww) ok it's my turn away thanks for the helP. Ok now it's. Time for sws third friend sp dunk activate. Plz do know sp dunk activate is not always going to let u dunk every time. It's self explanatory so next
Sw next best friend is scoop shot .. ha i ducking lied get rid of that sh it. Bigs are still blocking it. It does have it advantage but it will be sitting in your skill slot till then. The importance of scoop shot is that u are able to turn your lay up into a quicker lay up and prevents bids from running back and blking your normal manual lay up. Now if a big is in the post and u feel like u can lay up still don't ducking do it. Watch where the big is standing. He is usually in a particular area under the net that's when the yeet shot comes in (scoop shot).
Now palms why did u say I don't need trip prevent?. Conscience !! Only noobs and newbies use training wheels next question... how far can u lay up from....no comment next question. How old are u... no comment next question. Any more questions. Do u feel this good is actually helpful.. hmmmm no comment ok thanks bye . I had fun making this I hope u guys have fun reading it. I wanna so more sws on the court. Now tbh one again I did not give u my real skills and play style I use at this current moment. But I have been using these skills and play style majority of my sw gaming. Any more questions.. I dint think so.. meet u guys again when I log on. # join Team Nasty # team nasty for tourney champs # sw for life