Stats | -
Before we get into the girts of game play, i want to first talk how i think stats should be used.
Up until Major level, an SG should use all training points received on 3pt Shot. Why? besides stating the obvious, an SG of my play style needs all the help when it comes to shooting from outside especially in the lower lvls, you can reap the benefits when your higher lvl but until pro 1 just abuse training on 3pt Shot.
Once you hit Pro 1, the game changes, everybodies faster than you, So until pro 2, spend training on speed. The best way to play SG is to use screens in my opinion, i will from time to time dribble because of impulse but also because i play with anyone so setting screens isn't their forte (it should.). Anyways, running off screens is essential to get wide open shots because the secondary defender (rebber) 75% of the time just goes to the rim even in Pro 1 so already a bulk of teams already defeated.
Finally in Pro 2,...
Gear | (Pictures on the way) -
Teammates / Chemistry | (Pictures on the way) -
Offence| (Videos on the way) -
Screen Play| (Videos on the way) -
Action Dribble| (Videos on the way) -
Defense| (Videos on the way) -