What is best type on this positions, build and Stats?
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Someone Help Me about PG Build And Stats.
Good sir, the PG position in my opinion excels at all different types in their own way:
1. Power Type Pros & Cons: (AKA Kuroko and imo, an Underrated PG)
+ Highest base pass, block, tussle, short dunk attribute for a PG
+ Best Defense against shooters (and layup ppls) for a PG
- Slower than other PGs, making it harder to keep up with faster PGs when defending them.
- Lower Stamina, 3pt, and Long Layup Att. than other PGs
2. Balanced Type Pros & Cons: (Also Underrated PG)
+ Has the ability to balance out every stat, aka being all-around (speedy, good block, ok 3pt, some long layup, stamina, etc.)
+ Can defend both fast PGs, and Shooters/Layup ppls due to its well-rounded speed, and blocking atts.
+ Can excel towards being Power-Type, with a little Shrewd-like capabilities, and Vice versa.
- Although it can have block and be fast and what not, it is not as good as a Power Type's Block, or a Shrewd Type's Speed.
3. Shrewd Type Pros & Cons: (AKA Scoring PG/Speedy Gonzales, Most OVERRATED PG EVA ( ' w ' ) / )
+ Highest base speed and stamina in the game.
+ Higher 3pt, long layup att. for a PG
+ Defends well against other PGs, and PF/C in a sense (being able to bump into them, and steal much easier)
+ Recommended for people who want to pursue the "Pass Fake" Offense, due to long layup and speed.
- Cannot defend shots and layups as well as the other types due to low block stat.
- Fact that it is overrated ;3
- Pass stat is pretty bad, but hey, its a PG, Shrewd Types don't give an f about pass stat ^.^
Overall, every PG should have Steal attribute as their highest stat! Stealing & Passing is the PGs main role!!! ^.^
It is your choice here, to follow the meta and go Shrewd, or break it and be Kuroko!!!! ;D This is FreeStyle 2 mang, the choice is yours.
I am a balanced Point Guard by the way, here are my stats that I main on (I do not recommend adding the tussle stat I did for balanced, I was experimenting a bit there.
As you can see, my 3pt is not that good compared to Shrewds, nor is my Pass stat compared to Power Type. Despite this fact, I love my PG, and have sticked with this Type since Closed Beta Test.
As for my skills that I enjoy using (Which DOESN'T INCLUDE PASS FAKE, I am not a fan of this skill, seeing as it is overused, sometimes unreliable, and the fact that I am a passing, defense point guard, not an offensive one:
Direct Pass (insures that you pass to the correct teammate)
Baseball Pass (Cannot be intercepted, and used to pass from very far away)
Manual Layup (A scoring option, as well as a way to use jump pass more consistently)
Kill Pass (Clutch passes win games)
Sp Intercept (Increases range of intercept! OP)
Intercept (if used correctly, is the most deadly weapon on a PG)
Jump Pass (A good move to loosen up the Defense in the Paint, and set plays, Use with caution, some people tend to mess up the pass when used in the wrong angles i.e. jump passing to someone from across the court. You can use direct pass (Layup then Q/E) to jump pass to any person u wish, just be sure he is either behind you, or on the side, NOT ACROSS.)
Quick Jumper (Best back up scoring move for PGs. Use this whenever you are wide open.)
Alley Oop Pass (Underrated skill. If used correctly (aka not in the PF/Cs face, and have the receiver place himself close to the rim for a lightning fast short dunk alley), this move is quite useful.)
Sp Steal (Another awesome skill for PGs that sets them apart from other positions. This makes stealing a game changer.)
Sp 3pointer (Another Skill all PGs should have, Increases your 3pt success rate substantially.)
Sp Diving Catch (All PGs should have this!!!! This skill sets them apart from SG's Diving catch, making PGs dive farther, thus being the best recovery position in the game.)
Overpass Intercept (Same with Intercept, when mastered, this skill is one of the PGs best skills, although this is not entirely needed as much as intercept. A game changer nonetheless.)
BUT YEA, this is a build that most likely the majority of the PGs out there don't use, sooooooo. ;3 HEY its FreeStyle 2, we create our own style here!
HOPE THIS HELPED YOU IN ANY WAY SIR.Last edited by Valioa; 04-19-2015, 10:40 AM.
Originally posted by Valioa View PostGood sir, the PG position in my opinion excels at all different types in their own way: 1. Power Type Pros & Cons: (AKA Kuroko and imo, an Underrated PG) + Highest base pass, block, tussle, short dunk attribute for a PG + Best Defense against shooters (and layup ppls) for a PG - Slower than other PGs, making it harder to keep up with faster PGs when defending them. - Lower Stamina, 3pt, and Long Layup Att. than other PGs 2. Balanced Type Pros & Cons: (Also Underrated PG) + Has the ability to balance out every stat, aka being all-around (speedy, good block, ok 3pt, some long layup, stamina, etc.) + Can defend both fast PGs, and Shooters/Layup ppls due to its well-rounded speed, and blocking atts. + Can excel towards being Power-Type, with a little Shrewd-like capabilities, and Vice versa. - Although it can have block and be fast and what not, it is not as good as a Power Type's Block, or a Shrewd Type's Speed. 3. Shrewd Type Pros & Cons: (AKA Scoring PG/Speedy Gonzales, Most OVERRATED PG EVA ( ' w ' ) / ) + Highest base speed and stamina in the game. + Higher 3pt, long layup att. for a PG + Defends well against other PGs, and PF/C in a sense (being able to bump into them, and steal much easier) + Recommended for people who want to pursue the "Pass Fake" Offense, due to long layup and speed. - Cannot defend shots and layups as well as the other types due to low block stat. - Fact that it is overrated ;3 - Pass stat is pretty bad, but hey, its a PG, Shrewd Types don't give an f about pass stat ^.^ Overall, every PG should have Steal attribute as their highest stat! Stealing & Passing is the PGs main role!!! ^.^ It is your choice here, to follow the meta and go Shrewd, or break it and be Kuroko!!!! ;D This is FreeStyle 2 mang, the choice is yours. I am a balanced Point Guard by the way, here are my stats that I main on (I do not recommend adding the tussle stat I did for balanced, I was experimenting a bit there.As you can see, my 3pt is not that good compared to Shrewds, nor is my Pass stat compared to Power Type. Despite this fact, I love my PG, and have sticked with this Type since Closed Beta Test. As for my skills that I enjoy using (Which DOESN'T INCLUDE PASS FAKE, I am not a fan of this skill, seeing as it is overused, sometimes unreliable, and the fact that I am a passing, defense point guard, not an offensive one:
Direct Pass (insures that you pass to the correct teammate) Baseball Pass (Cannot be intercepted, and used to pass from very far away) Manual Layup (A scoring option, as well as a way to use jump pass more consistently) Kill Pass (Clutch passes win games) Sp Intercept (Increases range of intercept! OP) Intercept (if used correctly, is the most deadly weapon on a PG) Jump Pass (A good move to loosen up the Defense in the Paint, and set plays, Use with caution, some people tend to mess up the pass when used in the wrong angles i.e. jump passing to someone from across the court. You can use direct pass (Layup then Q/E) to jump pass to any person u wish, just be sure he is either behind you, or on the side, NOT ACROSS.) Quick Jumper (Best back up scoring move for PGs. Use this whenever you are wide open.) Alley Oop Pass (Underrated skill. If used correctly (aka not in the PF/Cs face, and have the receiver place himself close to the rim for a lightning fast short dunk alley), this move is quite useful.) Sp Steal (Another awesome skill for PGs that sets them apart from other positions. This makes stealing a game changer.) Sp 3pointer (Another Skill all PGs should have, Increases your 3pt success rate substantially.) Sp Diving Catch (All PGs should have this!!!! This skill sets them apart from SG's Diving catch, making PGs dive farther, thus being the best recovery position in the game.) Overpass Intercept (Same with Intercept, when mastered, this skill is one of the PGs best skills, although this is not entirely needed as much as intercept. A game changer nonetheless.) BUT YEA, this is a build that most likely the majority of the PGs out there don't use, sooooooo. ;3 HEY its FreeStyle 2, we create our own style here! HOPE THIS HELPED YOU IN ANY WAY SIR.