im currently has some problem with asian server
at the first time, im playing very normal with 60ms ping(asian) and 200ms ping(NA)
but now my asian ping getting higher than usual with 200ms ping(asian) but my NA ping is normal
i dont know why only my asian which is getting high,
i tried other game like dota and check speedtest but everything is normal
4days always like this
.Here's My Print Screen .
please help, thanks
at the first time, im playing very normal with 60ms ping(asian) and 200ms ping(NA)
but now my asian ping getting higher than usual with 200ms ping(asian) but my NA ping is normal
i dont know why only my asian which is getting high,
i tried other game like dota and check speedtest but everything is normal
4days always like this
.Here's My Print Screen .
please help, thanks