So I been chatting to this girl (18 yr old) online who lives a couple hours away from me, and yesterday she was coming down to San Diego.
She finally got here, but then she found out that I'm actually 25 (I never told her my age) upon looking at my ID, and she told me "wtf i thought you were 19 or 20".
She kinda got creeped out just because of my age and left.
WTF? What differences does it make that I'm 25 but not 19? I'm still the same person! It's not like she's underaged or something.
It's NOT my fault that I look 7-8 years younger than I am.
It's bad enough that girls my age don't like me because I look like a kid, and only younger girls like me.
It seems like I'm f***ed.

I shall hold onto my virginity FOREVER.

an hero.