Pwn Doesn't Really Play FS2 Much, But In FS1 He Was Such An Inspiration To Others If You Learn his story.
You guys who can't handle practicing should learn from Pwn. He Played FS1 In Canada and almost never had host (Kind of like east in fs2). Pwn never complained about it. We Practiced together.
We Lost many tournaments together. If you appreciate the lesson on sealed layups, that comes from learning from our mistakes in a tournament with Pwn and Us losing to PeteSoloM when he won the tournament.
Through the adversity Pwn overcame and finally, Me, Milks And Pwn Overcame And Won The Tournament.
And Before It: We did the biggest goal I hadn't yet accomplished: 20 wins in a row!!! Actually we Got to 25 with the legend: Rod!!!
You guys who can't handle practicing should learn from Pwn. He Played FS1 In Canada and almost never had host (Kind of like east in fs2). Pwn never complained about it. We Practiced together.
We Lost many tournaments together. If you appreciate the lesson on sealed layups, that comes from learning from our mistakes in a tournament with Pwn and Us losing to PeteSoloM when he won the tournament.
Through the adversity Pwn overcame and finally, Me, Milks And Pwn Overcame And Won The Tournament.
And Before It: We did the biggest goal I hadn't yet accomplished: 20 wins in a row!!! Actually we Got to 25 with the legend: Rod!!!