Hello, my name is lBabyLiul.
I recently returned to FS2 after leaving for few months and I saw the new reporting system. As many posts on the forum mention, this system is very unhealthy for the game and the players. I know a lot of players already sent numerous tickets to the GMs and complained how bad the system is, but I would like to mention specific reasons why it's unhealthy for the game.
1. Wrong players are getting banned
I understand for past many years, countless amount of players complained about hackers and how they are ruining people's experience with the game. I appreciate the effort of at least trying to answer those complaints with this system but this is not the right way to do it. Now, people are just reporting EVERYONE who they DON'T LIKE. This could include hackers but mostly, they are just clean players who put effort into actually learning and practicing the game to get good.
2. People are losing their competitiveness
FS2 is a great sports game. Just like in real life sports, FS2 is a competitive environment and that's what most players motivate themselves to get better. However, now because of this reporting system, players who are close to getting banned and wants to continue playing, has to be cautious not to be TOO GOOD during the game or else players are going to accuse them for hacking and get reported. What kind of competition forces people to not do their best? This is extremely unhealthy for FS2 as a sports game and Basketball as a genre.
3. Missing out on great events (INCLUDING GKASH EVENTS)
I must say, for the past year or so, the events on FS2 has been extremely pleasing. Even though I left for few months, the times that I were here, I really enjoyed because of the events. Right now, the reporting system prevents players who are not a clean user from getting into matches. The events that are happening right now (some of them required gkash to particiapte), requires players to play matches. Preventing players from getting into matches means they will not be able to complete these events and it's extremely unfair for those who paid gkash for certain event to just waste their money and time.
I am not a GM or a Dev, but as a long time FS2 player and a FS2 lover, I would like to make some suggestions regarding the report system.
1. Put a limit on numbers of reports each player can do per day or week.
Personally, I think a player should be allowed to report maximum 3 times per week. This would still allow a player to report suspicious players or the entire team, but will have to make sure that the report is worth it because after those 3 reports, you won't be able to report again through out the week.
2. Soften the restrictions for Yellow warning users.
Right now the yellow users are allowed matches, but banned from entering through room lists, or friend invites. Even if you finally find a team, yellow users are only matched with other yellow users. Even during peak hours, these restrictions make it extremely hard for players to join rooms and find matches. Basically, yellow users are getting punished like red users (unable to play the game). I think Yellow users should still be able to play the game normally but with like less benefit (ex. gaining no exp, no points, no street cred, no event progression, etc.).
3. Allow other modes to give event progression.
Right now, the free match mode and the VS COM mode is very undervalued. I think at least a full 6 player 3v3 free match mode deserves to be counted as a regular game and give event progressions since that's where most yellow users play after getting banned.
If any players who read this have their own idea or a better suggestion, please write them in the comments so the GMs or the devs can see! These are my personal thoughts about this reporting system issue and my suggestions on how to make it better! Hope I can play soon!
I recently returned to FS2 after leaving for few months and I saw the new reporting system. As many posts on the forum mention, this system is very unhealthy for the game and the players. I know a lot of players already sent numerous tickets to the GMs and complained how bad the system is, but I would like to mention specific reasons why it's unhealthy for the game.
1. Wrong players are getting banned
I understand for past many years, countless amount of players complained about hackers and how they are ruining people's experience with the game. I appreciate the effort of at least trying to answer those complaints with this system but this is not the right way to do it. Now, people are just reporting EVERYONE who they DON'T LIKE. This could include hackers but mostly, they are just clean players who put effort into actually learning and practicing the game to get good.
2. People are losing their competitiveness
FS2 is a great sports game. Just like in real life sports, FS2 is a competitive environment and that's what most players motivate themselves to get better. However, now because of this reporting system, players who are close to getting banned and wants to continue playing, has to be cautious not to be TOO GOOD during the game or else players are going to accuse them for hacking and get reported. What kind of competition forces people to not do their best? This is extremely unhealthy for FS2 as a sports game and Basketball as a genre.
3. Missing out on great events (INCLUDING GKASH EVENTS)
I must say, for the past year or so, the events on FS2 has been extremely pleasing. Even though I left for few months, the times that I were here, I really enjoyed because of the events. Right now, the reporting system prevents players who are not a clean user from getting into matches. The events that are happening right now (some of them required gkash to particiapte), requires players to play matches. Preventing players from getting into matches means they will not be able to complete these events and it's extremely unfair for those who paid gkash for certain event to just waste their money and time.
I am not a GM or a Dev, but as a long time FS2 player and a FS2 lover, I would like to make some suggestions regarding the report system.
1. Put a limit on numbers of reports each player can do per day or week.
Personally, I think a player should be allowed to report maximum 3 times per week. This would still allow a player to report suspicious players or the entire team, but will have to make sure that the report is worth it because after those 3 reports, you won't be able to report again through out the week.
2. Soften the restrictions for Yellow warning users.
Right now the yellow users are allowed matches, but banned from entering through room lists, or friend invites. Even if you finally find a team, yellow users are only matched with other yellow users. Even during peak hours, these restrictions make it extremely hard for players to join rooms and find matches. Basically, yellow users are getting punished like red users (unable to play the game). I think Yellow users should still be able to play the game normally but with like less benefit (ex. gaining no exp, no points, no street cred, no event progression, etc.).
3. Allow other modes to give event progression.
Right now, the free match mode and the VS COM mode is very undervalued. I think at least a full 6 player 3v3 free match mode deserves to be counted as a regular game and give event progressions since that's where most yellow users play after getting banned.
If any players who read this have their own idea or a better suggestion, please write them in the comments so the GMs or the devs can see! These are my personal thoughts about this reporting system issue and my suggestions on how to make it better! Hope I can play soon!
