This is when the tournament is scheduled to start today rofl. How stupid are these GM's. Good luck to anyone who is on the east coast in this tourney because you are gonna be up until 3-4 am. I will do this conservatively even though we know in the past that GK cant run a tournament smoothly.
A game should take 10 minutes counting the stops in play for scoring. (use this number to make it easier games usually 8-10 mins)
We have 4 1st round games - 40 mins
2 semi final games which are best of 3 - if both teams get swept that's 40 mins (if they don't get swept that's an hour)
and the finals is either best of 3 or best of 5- so if sweep its 20 or 30 mins, (or if no sweep 30-50mins)
total time with just game play and all sweaps with not waiting is = an hour and 40-50 mins
so east coast players are already at 2 am.
But as we all know GK can't run a tourney if they life depended on it so lets add another hour for just waiting around and now east coast players are at 3 am and that's if the teams got swept. If they didn't get swept add more time. This tourney is gonna be a shit show and the most dead tourney of all of fs2. GOOD JOB GM's!