Let me explain this since some of you "Experienced Players" can't wrap your mind around the thought of what a MOD is. Being a Moderator is Voluntary, which if you still can't wrap your mind around that. It means on one's own free will, or in a easier way for you to understand, to do something you want for fun. I get no actual rewards for being a Moderator other then a title and a item. If you're curious about what a Mod does, here I'll explain. We as MODS are to report bugs or issues, help the community with anything that we can to the best of our ability, create events for YOU to have a chance to win rare items or titles. That's about it to what we do, we are players who enjoy FS 2 more then any other, at least I do. Just because we make a mistake or don't play like some of you "Pro" players doesn't mean we shouldn't be a Moderator, just means you are better at something that we aren't cause some of you only play 1 Position and that's it. I don't know how skill became a factor to becoming something. The reason why some of you weren't chosen simply cause you don't help others, you only play with certain players, and you don't try to make the game fun, you trash talk more then needed and add toxic comments to anything positive that someone is trying to do, or others trying to better themselves. If I was a GM, some of you wouldn't have a account because of how far you go to other players and I find highly disrespectful to ruin someone else's gaming experience because your better and they just want to have fun. Would appreciate it if you could take your cyber- bullying self somewhere and be useful to someone in their life rather than trying to ruin someone else's.
