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  • KobeBlaise
    Originally posted by Iceybola View Post
    "- Respect your crewmates (Trash-talk is ok as long your crewmate is OK)" "
    What if I'm unhappy with the crew? I can not stress enough that I can't be on FS 24/7 to babysit y'all to hope everyone is "pleased." If you're unhappy or have concern, please talk to me or Khipster BEFORE leaving. Don't just b*tch out & leave. That's soft. Contact me or Khipster through discord, in-game FS message, whipser or forum message. Don't bottle it up or hold grudge.

    Don't have time for that drama or beef. We're a F'n team!"
    [[REREAD that last sentence on what you just quoted]]

    Come back, Icey?


    Stay on Velocity and be their little b*tch. I don't care. I'll find someone with your ping and a heart. np best of luck on what you do, "KwaameBrown." You can evolve to be good as redlobsterPF.

    The choice is yours.
    Last edited by KobeBlaise; 10-11-2016, 07:04 PM.

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  • Iceybola
    "- Respect your crewmates (Trash-talk is ok as long your crewmate is OK)" "
    What if I'm unhappy with the crew? I can not stress enough that I can't be on FS 24/7 to babysit y'all to hope everyone is "pleased." If you're unhappy or have concern, please talk to me or Khipster BEFORE leaving. Don't just b*tch out & leave. That's soft. Contact me or Khipster through discord, in-game FS message, whipser or forum message. Don't bottle it up or hold grudge. Don't have time for that drama or beef. We're a F'n team!"

    is this a joke

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  • KobeBlaise
    Originally posted by Shotclock View Post
    At what time are you usually on so I can attempt to join,eastern time.?
    I usually play after work/gym so like 6pm EST during the week.

    All day on the weekends, if nothing planned.

    Feel free to apply.

    Can get ahold of Khipster too if interested.

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  • Shotclock
    At what time are you usually on so I can attempt to join,eastern time.?

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  • soldier king
    please do go on.

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  • Highwayman
    Originally posted by Zydrunas View Post
    I'm usually credited with creating the current format for crew threads, but this is by far one of the best ones I've ever seen. Fun read. Good luck with your crew, Kobe.
    No you're not lmfao

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  • TCllStyleZ
    Damnn milks left me

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  • NoobDunkerX
    @GM please move this thread to the appropriate section
    the section is called "FS2 Crew" for a reason

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  • Zydrunas
    I'm usually credited with creating the current format for crew threads, but this is by far one of the best ones I've ever seen. Fun read. Good luck with your crew, Kobe.
    Last edited by Zydrunas; 10-10-2016, 10:59 PM.

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  • exilegod
    good luck fam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • Junior
    Sign me up Ign Slip

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  • KobeBlaise

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  • KobeBlaise

    Is it OK to trash-talk? YES! Trash-talk is part of the game! Get in your opponent's head is half of the battle for ez win. Try to keep it in-game related. None of that "LOL you mom ded" or "i fk yur mum." Try to be more like "Will somebody guard me?!" or "You haven't won a FS Tournament yet, stfu." No need to say gg like a modest good sportsmanship. When you win? Go all out. Say "ez win" if you want to be subtle even though you played through 5 over-time & you gracefully hits a buzzer-beater. Say that was the easiest game of your life. I promise you they will never forget that hard L.

    Is it OK to H*CK? ABSOLUTELY! "Just to be sure I'm looking the other way." -MC
    - LONG PAUSE -
    THE ANSWER IS NO! If I find you're using "H" in any shape or form such as VPN, speeding, attribute-changer or Free GKash. You're OUT. I will black-list the fk out of you in the community and everywhere! Don't FK with me with the "H." PERIOD!

    Is it OK to multi-crew? Meh...I'm a very understandable person. Say you're not ready for the upcoming tournament or someone beat you for the Tournament Spot on LA Lakers & you want to try for another team. Then I'm OK with that. BUT, if you're a SPY or Two-Face B*tch, you're out. No question -.- Just communicate with me or Khipster. It's not that hard to meet me half way.

    What if I'm unhappy with the crew? I can not stress enough that I can't be on FS 24/7 to babysit y'all to hope everyone is "pleased." If you're unhappy or have concern, please talk to me or Khipster BEFORE leaving. Don't just b*tch out & leave. That's soft. Contact me or Khipster through discord, in-game FS message, whipser or forum message. Don't bottle it up or hold grudge. Don't have time for that drama or beef. We're a F'n team!

    Why communicating is important? It helps to strengthen/develops the team's chemistry. I believe communicating through Discord really helps when I'm not on FS to keep growing. I know FS is life, but I'm not on 24/7 as I look like I am. I strongly recommend you to download "Discord" because it's fun & great way to get ahold of someone who's available to log-in with you. Don't ever want y'all be left hanging like lonely Milks. (Need Lakers in his life right now)

    How can I join?? Whisper me or KhipsterOsi in-game or send a message on forum or in-game. Lets go!!!

    What's a ring? Oh. Get Out.

    Important Quotes to KNOW!

    "Friends come & go, but banners hang forever." - Kobe Bryant

    "If you're ain't FIRST, you're LAST." - Ricky Bobby aka Will Ferrell

    "YOU COME TO PLAY & WIN THE GAME! You don't just "play"... YOU PLAY. TO WIN. THE GAME!" - Herm Edwards

    WINNING is EVERYTHING. No Weakness!

    - FS Mamba out
    Last edited by KobeBlaise; 10-11-2016, 01:21 PM.

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