Crew EzWIN

Established 4/26/2016
Leader: Charles

Established 4/26/2016
Leader: Charles
- EzWlN is a new competitive crew lead by no other than myself, Charles.
- EzWlN does not trash talk, we let the title do it for us.
- One goal: Win a tournament.
- Going to do this by putting ourselves in the position to achieve this the most easily (hence the name).
- I am looking for a small group of players who want to be tournament champions, and who will listen to and follow game plan.
- This part is especially important, as I have specific game plans I would like to run against different teams. So the ability to take constructive criticism is a must.
- You do NOT have to be the most skilled, but you do HAVE to be willing to put in the time to practice.
- The goal is to just allow enough people in the crew to run set time/date crew free matches!
- I will set up a voice chat and possibly stream our crew matches.
- While competition is our motivator, gaming is all about having fun. So no cancer please.
I feel that I can teach just about anybody with potential, so if you feel you have the skill to compete at a high level but just need the time or guidance, this is a good crew for you.
Level 40+
I'm looking for these specific roles:
(1-3 players) PG- Must be defensive minded PG that is able to dive and hit some threes. Also one that thinks he/she is a champ. PG will be getting the MOST play time out of any of the positions.
(1 Player) SG- Dash SG. Or somebody willing to learn. Also defensive minded.
(1-2 Players) SF - Defensive minded SF that can either ISO or spot up for the 3.
(2 Players) ISO PF - Looking for a PF with close to max layup range who has superb isolation skill.
(2-4 Players) Defensive PF - Must be power type with decent block stat.
(2-3 Players) Centers - Must be willing to put in time to master back block.
More info to come.
Membership to the crew is based on tryout and interview.
Contact me here on the forums, or in game @ CharlesSF.