because no people in this game, only 1 or 2 persons for play...
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the game is dead?
^^ Pfft, the game still looks like s***, regardless. As soon as I saw it I immediately hoped it died quickly so they can maybe make a Freestyle (STREET) Football. W** is this sh** of doing 3 vs 3 on an official football field. Looks horrible. Just look at those godd*** huge goals. SMFH Instead of doing it like FIFA Street 2, which is real freestyle, with street maps like Favela and such, no, they make this garbage. FFS this game shouldn't even exist.
The game has no feel. How the hell do those goalkeepers even defend ? Only if you don't know how to shoot. 3 people running across that humongous pitch back and forth without tiring like they're robots. lmao
Why the hell would I want these mooks in an official play ? H***,
Originally posted by chaoscauser
All I can say is looks can be deceiving. Do not hate on a game you haven't even played as you can't give a valid opinion from watching a video.Sure it isn't Kicks Online but it is pretty fun still. Why shouldn't it exist? The game is enjoyable people enjoy it, just because you don't like the look of it doesn't mean it is a bad game for many players who enjoy it. You seriously need to play this game, you have a sprint bar and can tire very easily without added stats from gear. Poachers get an increased speed skill but that is the mechanic of a goal poacher each position gets something different.
I totally agree with you bro. Just please ignore that man. He just need some attention. LOL.
^^ Maybe. But like I said, what I don't like about the game are the visuals, or rather say, the concept. And that cannot be changed. I don't like the way they set up the match nor the field. Also, Kicks Online is rather not a good example, IMO. Sure, it does a few things better but it's still not enough. Though it's old so it's kinda more understandable.
This game is dead. Or at least, we ARE commenting on a thread which respective title is quite that. And you seem to agree, so it can't be that fun. I know about the sprint bar, but I'm speaking of the match-time overall. The pitch is just too big for 3 vs 3, even for the amount of time they play. And the public and all that spectacle for a "freetstyle" match ? Like, wat ? It's inconsistent.
The game is definitely not what I expected. It's not a big deal of it anyway, it's just my disappointment talking. I may try it out just to reinforce my claim yet.
^ First, I'm not a man. And second, if I was seeking attention I sure wouldn't be looking for it here, let alone from you, GTFO ! I don't know why you just didn't follow your own advice and kept shut.
P.S. lol [GM] How the hell was I advertising ? Just because I said I'd prefer other games for official football play ? And I tried my best not to even put the actual swear words, oh well~
Guys u should stop quarelling already, the topic is about the game being dead or not, not about we all debating about wether we wear pink underpants or not (take the hint chaos)
Besides chaos you got your opinion HoneyBee got his/hers/its both of u diserve respect and both opinions are right given diferent points of view, we are all different and by such given the right to see things differently from others, we can start an all out war about it but noone will bend over so theyr beliefs can be trampled like yesterdays newspaper.
And as always i don't make any sense to what i am saying, in the end it just means , make love not war
enjoy scoring mode to
I'm not quarreling, though, Just saying what I don't like about the game. And chaos, I don't NEED to play the game to say I dislike the visuals (I can see that from afar?), and the concept (I can learn the rules by watching? --it even has offsides on a 3 vs 3 freestyle match, SMH), notice how I'm not claiming anything about its enjoyment for everybody, only that its concept holds ME back. And please, 4 vs 4 ? Do you see goalkeepers going to the front to score or even go offensive ? They don't run in the field. Everyone knows that you only count the field-players when you're speaking of how many your are versus in the front. I've seen the pitch, it's a 7 vs 7 pitch at minimum, and an 11 player pitch from an unprofessional league at max; occupied by 3 players on each team (goalkeeper stays in the goal, aight?). And well, the game may as well be the best, atm, but my gripe with it still continues. I can't claim I know something about these other football games you mention, so you get no argument from me there.
I respect what your saying, Chaos is right though the game is originally 4v4 with 4 player controlled players + 1 Ai Goalkeeper.
3v3 mode with 3 controller players + 1 ai goalie is Futsal mode.
We never got the 3v3 mode here so there's just 4v4 mode vs ai or vs players and scoring mode where u play ur character + 3 ai teamates vs an ai team.
But when it comes to commenting vs him u better drop the issue cuz he never stops answering back
Originally posted by chaoscauserAs I said the game is 4v4 . I am not talking about the graphics you are talking about gameplay and you have never even played the damn game.
@gamingthan: Gotcha, I don't plan to keep cracking retorts anymore, though, I've already said I'm willing to experience it myself, if may be.
Originally posted by H0neyBee View PostOkay, so apparently some videos I watched don't count for this version. And IDC of what you are not talking about, I think I made pretty clear what I meant that I disliked. And it's not something I need gameplay experience to figure. Saying I don't like the size of field ? The size of the goal ? Saying I don't like the idea of offsides ? Or the scenery, with audience, etc. ? I don't need to play to not like those. The concept is not graphics, and neither is gameplay. Nuff said.
@gamingthan: Gotcha, I don't plan to keep cracking retorts anymore, though, I've already said I'm willing to experience it myself, if may be.
HoneyBee luv,
If ur posting here, even though ur opinion so far is negative, ur posting because u might have a slight interest in the game at least it's what i think, why not try it out? not like u will lose anything try at least scoring mode, u might find it more entertaining then u think it will be, god know the game could use all the new players it can get, and i'm sure those who are still playing would love to have u there.
If u have any game related questions gameplay wise or anything else don't hesitate to post i'm sure alot of ppl can help u, i can also help a bit (probably).
Till then stay frosty!
Raizel out
^ I HAD interest in the game, yes (when I heard of it). But like I said, I was expecting something more.. freestyle-ish, more street-like. And not a stadium full of people and the field to even have limits and all those rules. Again, I'm not saying I cannot have fun with what the game has to offer now, just that what it has to offer is not what I wanted to see. I cannot be more clear than this. Anyone not understanding what I'm expressing here is clearly doing it on purpose because they have no other come back to deliver. It's a valid opinion, I haven't told anything about its enjoyment.
@chaos: I'm only judging some, I don't know WTF you're talking about. Visuals and Concept is what I mentioned. Those don't make the entire game. So you defending the gameplay is something only you brought to the conversation.
Originally posted by H0neyBee View Post^ I HAD interest in the game, yes (when I heard of it). But like I said, I was expecting something more.. freestyle-ish, more street-like. And not a stadium full of people and the field to even have limits and all those rules. Again, I'm not saying I cannot have fun with what the game has to offer now, just that what it has to offer is not what I wanted to see. I cannot be more clear than this. Anyone not understanding what I'm expressing here is clearly doing it on purpose because they have no other come back to deliver. It's a valid opinion, I haven't told anything about its enjoyment.
@chaos: I'm only judging some, I don't know WTF you're talking about. Visuals and Concept is what I mentioned. Those don't make the entire game. So you defending the gameplay is something only you brought to the conversation.
Yup i understand what ur saying, i myself played the fifa street games, and i must say a gameplay like that would be great *_*
But we do what we can with what we have right? and at the moment as far as i am concerned this is the only free to play "freestylishlly" football(soccer) game with customizations as limited as it might be out in the market.
Know that i am in no way denying you of opinion (sorry if it sounds like that).
In any case most of the players no longer play the game by gamekiss fault, but for me personally this game's strong point has always been it's loyal and welcoming community, i used to login the game dailly because i really liked to play with them folks, even the new guys i had a bunch of them in my friends list that i played with to help them lvl i never cared for wins or losses that much, but a man/woman can only take so much and the lack of content and increasing bugs by the day made the game the product u see today.
Still if u still feel like giving the game a shot i'd like to welcome u to it even though it's a late welcome.
Lastly dun mind chaos to much, i've known him for a while now and he's a bit grumpy but once u get over a huge layr of grumpiness he's a nice guy, he just has a hard time accepting that we can't all think the same thing, but i am sure he means no harm.
Bah~ alright, alright. I'll proooobably give it a shot-- someday.
And no, it doesn't sound like you're denying me of opinion. Not you, at least.
Why are you even being so nice, anyway ? I was acting like a total bitch, to be honest. Using niceness as a weapon is a low-blow, man. xP
Still, my opinion of the game's concept stands. I haven't changed on what I think of it.