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  • rofl

    just got the panda head, and guess what its bugged xD gk u suck

    regards ,,, ,, , , , ,

  • #2
    Hi Nevermind,

    Please file a ticket to us provided with the screenshot of the bug and make sure to provide a well detailed explanation.

    Thank you!


    • #3
      Nevermind the panda head issues, is like the brick head/skull mask issue, some of us can see it and others see the char bald, i for once can see it and iSmackyZ see the person bald.


      • #4
        lol the only surprise i see on that is the fact you choose the panda over the cash thats it.


        • Nevermind
          Nevermind commented
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          u get over 350 coins, and i dont see why 10k over a onlychance panda item is better. besides my char is full pumped on stats and traits which doenst need any points. hoope u are not surprised anymore

        • o_patrao
          o_patrao commented
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          dont u get only 10 balls per day? if its until day 29 of this month u'll only get 290 and even if u are logged in, dunno about you but people still have something to do in life even tho im pretty sure that the panda its not an only item chance you will be able to buy it after to end if u have all the traits and stats etc.. you can always make a new char and u'll need you points, so im still surprised because it was almost 100% sure that the panda will be bugged.

        • Nevermind
          Nevermind commented
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          ya. u rite wit everything im sorry for disturbing you

      • #5
        panada head & suit are washable?or just a 30days item


        • #6
          it depends, if u get a panda from europe its not washable if its from korea or taiwan its washable, u need luck bro


          • #7
            its permanent and u cant wash it cuz it doenst give stats


            • #8
              fuk the panda, some of us cant even play the game...


              • Nevermind
                Nevermind commented
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                ya. u guys be like oh **** i got 60 ms ping i cant even play the game
                Last edited by [GM] Goalie; 10-11-2014, 03:32 PM. Reason: Use of foul language

            • #9
              We dun want the panda ! we want gkash !


              • #10
                event items will disapear in the next patch anyways

