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oldest bug ever

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  • oldest bug ever

    so i have this bug since DAY 1 CLOSED BETA TEST , its when you LAG ( which i always do ) and enemy or your team score a goal , your player stop moving and others continue to play ,screen appears to you as a reply , and you can move only if someone scored a goal , goal kick , or throw in

    you have to fix this soon , here are pictures

    1st one is when the bug happens , i lagged same moment they scored , then they keep movin' but im stuck and the name of the scorer still appears and Reply skip option top left ( F9 AI DOESNT WORK )

    2nd one is when im bugged , then they score again , i back to normal and can move and the reply option top left gone

    - Avesta - lord of the lags and teleports -

  • #2
    Really? I did not experience that bug before LOL! Maybe it is a connection issue problem!


    • #3
      ^ did you read the subject ? of course connection has to do with the problem i said ( it happen when i lag , and they score at the same moment ) , when they score and you cant see the goal from lagging , this is when it happens , it shouldn't happen i should be able to move even if i lagged in the goal moment , this is a bug


      • #4
        Then fix your connection LOL. GameKiss can't fix your connection problems better contact your LOCAL ISP PROVIDER!
        Last edited by whostheboss; 09-06-2014, 11:39 AM.


        • #5
          ^ okay you are officially dumb , this is a fucking bug because when you lag its for seconds and you still can move , but when you lag and they score the reply stuck and you cant move

          i wont answer you more and i advice you to not comment on my subject anymore

          كس امك
          Last edited by Devil078; 09-06-2014, 12:06 PM.


          • #6
            i can confirm this bug exist since the first day of beta and still here


            • #7
              I'm having the same here and they keeping ask me to fix my connection. I do play over 5 online games and I never faced any lag.

              The problem is they don't want to waste money or time on this game(FSF) because the number of players is low.

              Also they think the players of this game are in US and Europe only, so if you are from somewhere else then you have to help yourself, or die.

              Btw, are you going to buy Gkash while you lagging?

              "امسك اعصابك"


              • Devil078
                Devil078 commented
                Editing a comment
                all i spent is 5 $ for sure im not gonna spend more on a laggy game , i play League of Legends and i barely have lags , i enter freestyle football and the horror begins , the servers are bad .

                "حاضر "

            • #8
              yeah i know this one too, sometimes happens to me. In this situations you have to ask the players to put the ball out so you can be back to normal, it sucks but its the only way to be back in the game.


              • #9
                I can confirm that bug exists since OBT, i have never experienced during CBT, that one where u can't move after the opponents score, there is also one where u can't move your character during a corner kick.

