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My few ideas of how to make this game even better

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  • My few ideas of how to make this game even better

    Hello everybody I have couple thoughts about this great game. I'm playing since CBT and although me and friends of mine enjoying it there's always something to work about. I'll try to write down some things what could actually improve gameplay: -new matchmaking system just as same as we already have on friendly server. You can create your own room and invite your friends and also opponents. Everybody can easily swap sides from home team to away. This would make it more challenging, games with random low lvl people are not really enjoyable when your team is 40+.That's the main reason why gamers are leaving the game because they get bored of it. Let's hope it is possible to change it so we can have a decent, large community(also more profit to gamekiss). -Three Servers to play. 1st one(1-20)for low levels and new players. They won't leave the game so quickly if they actually have some chance to play balanced matches. 2nd one(20-40) for people with most of skills and after advanced position. 3rd one (40-50+)for pro players only. You cannot connect to this server if your lvl is below 40. Also the same rule to rest of servers, you have to have appropriate lvl to connect it. -Club system, club time,tournaments with gkash rewards,maybe some leagues games, gkash for top scorer, passer, defender etc... I strongly believe we might see something from this list when full game will be released. Sorry for long post, looking forward for GM's answers. And also you, gamers, what else would you change in game?? Peace.

  • #2
    What these updates require: People
    What this game lacks (atm): People


    • #3
      Originally posted by CuriousMonkey24 View Post
      Hello everybody I have couple thoughts about this great game. I'm playing since CBT and although me and friends of mine enjoying it there's always something to work about. I'll try to write down some things what could actually improve gameplay: -new matchmaking system just as same as we already have on friendly server. You can create your own room and invite your friends and also opponents. Everybody can easily swap sides from home team to away. This would make it more challenging, games with random low lvl people are not really enjoyable when your team is 40+.That's the main reason why gamers are leaving the game because they get bored of it. Let's hope it is possible to change it so we can have a decent, large community(also more profit to gamekiss). -Three Servers to play. 1st one(1-20)for low levels and new players. They won't leave the game so quickly if they actually have some chance to play balanced matches. 2nd one(20-40) for people with most of skills and after advanced position. 3rd one (40-50+)for pro players only. You cannot connect to this server if your lvl is below 40. Also the same rule to rest of servers, you have to have appropriate lvl to connect it. -Club system, club time,tournaments with gkash rewards,maybe some leagues games, gkash for top scorer, passer, defender etc... I strongly believe we might see something from this list when full game will be released. Sorry for long post, looking forward for GM's answers. And also you, gamers, what else would you change in game?? Peace.
      Hi CuriousMonkey24,

      Thank you for helping us improve our game by providing us with these comments and suggestions I will make sure that they are sent over to the proper team for review



      • #4
        i agree there should be servers for 30+


        • #5
          What is needed is a feature like FIFA my club, where you can play with your friends and match you against people that are competing for a rank or position in a league system. The random aspect of entering a lobby or playing with other low level chars its only bad when a veteran plays against a newbie or is stuck with newbies on his team. Players in this game are becoming elitists where every game needs to be a passing game and if you tend to do a more flashy move or trying a shot you will be hanged for that, just because you are higher level doesn't mean you know how to play or need to command other people just to pass you the ball... let newbies play and feel the game, if you want a community to expand that's the only way.


          • #6
            That's what I wanted to write a topic, you were faster ... exactly as if reading my mind, we need to have, he play very well that I've searches in EU .. and I finally received only it has a fairly large gaps with teamwork, club match, etc. .. hopefully I will see more demanding, so it is just 4fun, making a very putting money into it already that point of view ... wants to do something on the style kicks online 6 years a go (gametribe) ... or better .. 1 event per month will not save the population, people leave it is true ...


            • #7
              I agree, it's just like I stated a fun side and a more try hard environment. And I agree events should be a thing and in a regular basis. The aspect of the lack of population it's really a lack of publicity or trying to make it through Youtube reviews, if you get reviewers talking about this game you can get far a thing that Kicks had and this game hasn't yet. Talking about Kicks it died imo because it lacked on development and the concept of micro transactions wasn't really applied to that game, and talking about leveling was really a pain. You had to pay a lot for getting cool stuff, and the free stuff wasn't good enough or to expensive in normal points, thing that I think that in Freestyle can be avoided. If the game developers apply half the principles that Korean version has(since this is still a beta) from characters to clothing. Its not that difficult to see a player think : " Hey 10 bucks , or even 5 bucks for a costume? Why not?" or "Wow that character is amazing!". This company needs to first do more publicity on their games , make micro transactions more affordable for players and add more payment methods, only paypal? C'mon theres alot of ways to give you money

