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BUG: Targetter skill Fullout Sprint

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  • BUG: Targetter skill Fullout Sprint

    this skill does not work properly with a controller. it works fine by double tapping e on the keyboard however with a controller it does not work by double tapping dash (the controller equivalent of E). This renders the skill virtually unusable if playing with a controller as it is far to clunky to reach up to your keyboard and double tap e mid play.

  • #2
    I've had about the same problem with Penetrate Zone (using PS3 Controller), when i had E configured to R2 and feints configured to L2 it would not work, don't ask me why.
    But when i changed feints to L1 it did work.
    So maybe you have to change ur controls around a bit too.
    I could still do feints when it was on L2 though.
    Last edited by Maxkhaos; 06-25-2014, 05:24 PM.


    • #3
      hmm gonna be hard to get used to a button other than what i use for dash haha, thanks for the advice though ill play around with it and see if i can get something working


      • #4
        Yea, I know ur pain, still gotta get used to the new button for my feints. Just go in and out of practice mode while trying to get it to work smoothly for your controller.


        • #5
          strangely enough upon trying the skill in practice mode it suddenly worked, and now continues to work when double clicking my dash button so it appears that the incident was isolated, all be it annoying.


          • #6
            Glad you had more luck, now let's hope it works in a regular match aswell!


            • #7
              it works as intended in game, having said that its pretty clunky to use in practice and i dont think it will make it in to most peoples normal loadouts, bit of a letdown. now lets hope that it continues working whenever i have it slotted XD

