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FSF biggest flaw, low lvl worst gaming experience ever

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  • FSF biggest flaw, low lvl worst gaming experience ever

    Edit: I'm talking about the EU Server, not sure how it's on NA, but probably the same.

    I played the CBT and reached lvl 30, but missed the OBT start because I was on vacation and now I'm struggling to even level. I wasted already 2 days and still stuck at lvl 8.

    The system allows me to only play with low levels, the high levels can't even join my rooms and I also can't join their rooms (with quick start). This means I have to wait a really really long time to even find 3 other players. And when I find some after waiting forever, we just get matched up against high level premades all the time, and I have to try to win 1v4 because my teammates are all new and get crushed by the experienced players.

    It's just not fun at all, not only do I have to wait such a long time because all players are already high lvl, but I also have to play unfair matches with beginners against experienced players. It would at least be better if I could play with the high lvl's too. I myself have no problem against the higher lvl players, but I obviously can't win 1v4...

    FSF really needs channels kinda like in FS2, lvl 1-20 and then maybe a global channel were everyone can join would be fine and would help a lot. A temporary solution would be to allow low lvl players to join high lvl rooms and the other way around.

    Some people might say just play with friends until you get 30, but I don't have anyone to play FSF with, they are all only interested in league, wildstar and other games, this also doesn't change the core problem of this game. It's currently just impossible for me to play and I'm already thinking about quitting, and I'm sure all the new players that come and try this game feel the same way. FSF will never grow if it stays the same.

    This is really sad because I really enjoyed the CBT and thought this game could grow nicely.
    Last edited by Scansi; 06-20-2014, 09:21 AM.

  • #2
    I agree with you. Most of the people are already high levels. I've even seen some guys who are 40+ . You could try playing against bots until higher level, cuz I recently made a new character to try something out and most low lvl guys were playing against bots, while gathering the people and the matching itself for PvP took forever.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Scansi View Post
      Edit: I'm talking about the EU Server, not sure how it's on NA, but probably the same.

      I played the CBT and reached lvl 30, but missed the OBT start because I was on vacation and now I'm struggling to even level. I wasted already 2 days and still stuck at lvl 8.

      The system allows me to only play with low levels, the high levels can't even join my rooms and I also can't join their rooms (with quick start). This means I have to wait a really really long time to even find 3 other players. And when I find some after waiting forever, we just get matched up against high level premades all the time, and I have to try to win 1v4 because my teammates are all new and get crushed by the experienced players.

      It's just not fun at all, not only do I have to wait such a long time because all players are already high lvl, but I also have to play unfair matches with beginners against experienced players. It would at least be better if I could play with the high lvl's too. I myself have no problem against the higher lvl players, but I obviously can't win 1v4...

      FSF really needs channels like in FS2, lvl 1-20 and then lvl +20 channels would be fine and would help a lot. A temporary solution would be to allow low lvl players to join high lvl rooms and the other way around.

      Some people might say just play with friends until you get 30, but I don't have anyone to play FSF with, they are all only interested in league, wildstar and other games, this also doesn't change the core problem of this game. It's currently just impossible for me to play and I'm already thinking about quitting, and I'm sure all the new players that come and try this game feel the same way. FSF will never grow if it stays the same.

      This is really sad because I really enjoyed the CBT and thought this game could grow nicely.

      The game does not prevent you from joining high levels or vice versa. High level players will usually make their own rooms private and wait for the people they want to play with. You cannot join private rooms without being invited. It's not that people "can't" join your room, it's more they don't try.

      The wait time has nothing to do with levels, but population. If there is no team available to match, you simply won't get matched. If you are waiting then suddenly a game appears, then either there was a game going on prior that ended, or your opposing team just formed up.

      I totally disagree with separate channels due to the low population. You think you can't get a game now? Divide the pop and see what happens!

      If I had to summarize this- it just sounds like you don't have any friends to play with, and you're frustrated playing with other noobs you don't even know, and have to trust with your game. My advice is to take it on the chin, make some friends instead of throwing every mistake someone makes in their face, and build up the same way those high levels did.

      As an NA player almost lv 45, I would not be where I am without the friends I made.


      • #4
        Why do you try to defend FSF so hard? You are lvl 45 and now nothing about how it is as a low level, and also all your points are wrong. It should be in your intrest to make the game better not close your eyes and ignore the core problems this game has.
        The game does prevent you from joining high levels. It's now my third day in OBT and I've been online almost the whole time and never even got into a high level room, and no high levels ever joined mine. The only time I ever got into one was when someone invited me, but that almost never happens. You don't want to tell me that every player in this game here plays premade only, don't be silly. Go ahead and make a lvl 1 character then tell your high lvl friends to try to join your room, not through invite but through the quick start, they will never be able to join it.

        The wait time has to do with levels, there are almost no low level players in this game. The game only allows low levels to join your room and this will increase your time to find 3 players by a lot. And channels will still help even with low population, at least new players won't get destroyed by high levels and leave the game soon after. They can also make a global channel for all levels and a 1-20 channel, if the low levels don't find any games then they can join the global channel.

        You want to say that it's my fault for going on vacation and missing the OBT start? And pretty difficult to actually find some good mates when all I ever get are beginners that never played this game. Doesn't matter which game, the low level experience is the most important and will decide if a player will keep on playing or not. FSF has not only really long low level waiting times, but also the beginners will get matched against high levels all the time, that is not really fun for both sides.

        Just an example for you. Yesterday I was waiting for people to join my room, at some point two lvl 1 guys joined and they waited a long time for the last one, but no one joined. They asked me where are all the players? Why is no one joining, I want to play! And well I had to tell them that it's difficult to find low level matches because everyone is already high level. They gave up soon afterwards and I never saw them again... If the last one would've joined then we probably would be up against some +40 team and the beginners would get destroyed...

        If you want to ignore all problems and think that I'm a little frustrated kid then be my guest. I just wrote this to help the game that I like. I still could get through the low levels because I have thick skin, but most players don't have it. Also not even sure if it's worth it for me to even try, nothing will change anyway with people like you that think everything is fine, the game will soon have no population left. Even if they do some good advertising for the release, the new players will leave anyway.
        Last edited by Scansi; 06-20-2014, 08:58 AM.


        • #5
          Hi Guys,

          We are sorry for the inconvenience caused you so far. Moreover, in order to provide you the best gaming experience possible, we are now in the process of making the FreeStyle Football better.


          • #6
            Originally posted by [GM
            Kali;n61588]Hi Guys,

            We are sorry for the inconvenience caused you so far. Moreover, in order to provide you the best gaming experience possible, we are now in the process of making the FreeStyle Football better.
            Thank you, I really hope that you can find a good solution for it.

            The only one that I can think of with such low population is, one low level channel and one global channel where everyone can play. And also a better system, currently you have games like this: two lvl 3 and two lvl 6 players against 4 players that are at least 30. Make it more like one lvl 3, one lvl 6 and two lvl +30 against one lvl 3, one lvl 6 and two lvl +30, that would be at least more fair, but currently impossible because low levels can't join the high level rooms/high level can't join low level rooms.

            Maybe there are different solutions for it, but I can't think of any other right now.


            • #7
              The game does not prevent you from joining high levels or vice versa
              It does not only if you are invited. There is a level-based limit for automated matchmaking tho, i think it's +-10 levels or something like that. you can check it yourself - try to find a game with level 1 character, then relog to level 35+ character and try again.
              The wait time has nothing to do with levels, but population.
              wrong again. see above.
              you're frustrated playing with other noobs
              now that is just plain harsh, you elitist jerk


              • #8
                It doesn't matter if you lv 1 or lv 50, if you're playing with a bunch of strangers who don't know the game vs a group of players that do know the game, the chances are simply not in your favor to win.

                That's not being elitist, that's being logical. We have low lvl alts that go against the same 30-40's you are complaining about and wipe the floor with them, based solely on the fact we're more organized.

                A lot of people would rather see the glass half empty, complain they get beat by higher levels, rather than see it half full (as I have seen some players do) and learn from your losses. You still gain experience and if you actually open your eyes- there's something to be learned from every game; win or lose. I still learn new things ever day.

                The average player's ability to play this game straight out of OBT was downright terrible. Over the course of OBT that has changed. Some players have chosen to get better and adapt, rather than ask the game's framework be altered so they can be spoon-fed wins.

                The game's population, on either server, will not survive segregation. There is simply not enough players to support dividing the lobby. It's a mistake.

                There have been several occasions where we were the only team left to face at certain hours, where we offered to mix up the teams (2 of our guys join 2 of theres), and our offer was spat on by nasty little pubs poor attitude. I'm not going to stop playing a character I invested time in just to appease your thirst for victory. Earn it like everyone else has. It's not like we never lose games.

                If you're simply waiting for people to join your channel, rather than actively inviting anyone that comes into lobby- you have already lost the matchmaking game. The majority of people that know one another will be quick to scoop up anyone they know. There aren't 100's of people just waiting to play. It's quite the opposite. There may be 3-5 teams at most piecing together whatever squad they can.

                My point is, I have never once used the join team feature of this game, so you would never get me on your team that way, even without restrictions, unless you invited me like every other team does.
                Last edited by z00t; 06-20-2014, 01:07 PM.


                • #9
                  I agree with z00t, dividing up an already small population would probably lead to a lot of people quitting or the game dying. We were all low lvl once too you don't get to 40+ without starting at lvl 1. And we did in fact play high lvl players, i don't think level matters a whole lot when you have pure understanding of how football works and where to be in certain situations, those are the key elements of this game not level.However as you level increases and your key to understanding the game improves you'll be virtually unstoppable like Puskas and DiStefano.


                  • #10

