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  • USA! USA! USA!

    USA defeated Ghana, on our way to the cup!!! USA! USA! USA!

  • #2
    Indeed, that was a good game. Unlike the Nigeria v Iran bore fest


    • #3
      Lol? Good game? Both teams are really bad.. Ghana attacked most of the time but couldn't find a goal, EUA was just lucky...


      • #4
        Ghana better in match.


        • #5
          Who won the game? USA or Ghana? Hmm? Ok. Thank you


          • #6
            DId you watch the 9gag video about Brazil, truly that theme is so happy.


            • #7
              Last Post......


              • #8
                Originally posted by MachineWideOPEN View Post
                Who won the game? USA or Ghana? Hmm? Ok. Thank you
                I wanna see, how will you handle Portugal or Germany.

                Gratz for the victory, but compared with those 2 you really think you should be braggin' about defeating the weakest team in your group?


                • #9
                  Yay Brazil!!!


                  • #10
                    Is it wrong to be happy for winning a game?

                    It is your opinion on how you feel what the levels of both teams are. Yea Ghana were quicker, had more corners, shots, and possession than USA but they didn't finish their chances. USA took advantage of the minimal chances they had and that turned out to be enough to get the 3 points.

                    We shall see how they do vs Portugal but for now they have already exceeded most people's expectations. (since most people thought Ghana would win!)


                    • #11
                      No one said: "You shouldn't be happy". people are saying more like you should be overconfident, they got serious trouble in this group, their worries. If Portugal play as bad as they played against Germany, maybe the USA has a chance, but if they play as they usually do, not a chance. Also, that's one of the most awesome things in football, been strong doesn't mean you will win.

                      Ghana was better the whole game, but it wasn't a good game at all


                      • #12
                        Nobody is being overconfident. I'm sure you would want your team to win all their games in the group stages. It's just natural. It's obvious USA got their work cut out for them in the next two games. Yea Portugal will be wounded from that loss and losing one and possibly two of their starting back four so they will do all they can to avoid losing again. Anything can happen, that's what makes the World Cup what it is.

                        Also, a win is a win no matter how it is done...


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Seil View Post
                          No one said: "You shouldn't be happy". people are saying more like you should be overconfident, they got serious trouble in this group, their worries. If Portugal play as bad as they played against Germany, maybe the USA has a chance, but if they play as they usually do, not a chance. Also, that's one of the most awesome things in football, been strong doesn't mean you will win.

                          Ghana was better the whole game, but it wasn't a good game at all
                          Ronaldo, Pepe, and fabio coentroa are all out i think we have a pretty good chance


                          • #14
                            After, Spain was massacrated by Chile, and Australia put an awesome fight to the Netherlans, I don't doubt anything.

                            But really, the favorite team... The second to leave...

                            Yes, their best players are out but, is not like their reserves are weak... But really, I would like to see Portugal leave soon... Also, Cristiano Ronaldo still have chances to play.
                            Last edited by Seil; 06-18-2014, 04:30 PM.


                            • #15
                              After Portugal's poor performance I actually think that USA has a good chance to win. I predict Germany first and USA second.

