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Personal Feedback on this CBT

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  • Personal Feedback on this CBT

    Hello all!

    I will proceed to put my recommendations to GK about the next OBT, just my feelings, remember!

    *The ball receiving is a bit...bad, if the ball is moving you actually have to press some key to actually grab it, i think it should be improved to something more realistic.
    *The shot animation sometimes trolls you, you are in perfect position without mark, you don't put much power on the shot and still it goes really high.
    *Interception is really bad, if you are not a defender you will have a bad time trying to intercept or even to tackle someone, having to maintain Q almost always to have some chances.
    *The dribble sytem could have a "noob key system" for noobs, like: i press E then left and it will do the marseille roulette to the left, not that "down, left + key" so you could have 1 or 2
    dribbles that you know you won't fail, just like that game Kicks online where it was something like E + side or e + up arrow to do different dribbles.

    *i guess it's because it was cbt and they were just interested in people playing, but we will need some kind of teams checking, ex: you see a team formed by 3 FW and you are FW too, you don't want to join that team.

    *i don't guess it's possible but theres some lame times where your team shoots like 12312312 times and scores 1 goal but the enemy team shoots 1 times and makes 2 goals! (exageration ofc but you get what im saying

    Thank you all for your time, i will definetly play in obt

  • #2
    Dribbles are very easy as it is.


    • #3
      GK sometimes good sometimes bad ,,

      i had exactly the same thing you are talking about in your last point

      their Gk was absolutely amazing and saved every single shot ,, while our Gk sucked so hard and got 2 ridiculous goals .......

      they have to balance them


      • #4
        Yeah they have to make sure the Goal Keepers are playing the same way, its just the fair thing to do.


        • #5
          If 1 or 2 defenders are standing in front of you, it does not matter if they actually tackle. Your shots will go high for the majority of time no matter how much power you put. I like they consider the shooting interference, but actually I barely saw shots were blocked by defenders. Instead, the shots just went high and fly out of side, which I think it's ridiculous.
          By the way, the point reward system is annoy, I wish they just make it an automatic process. They can still keep that reminder in mail format, but not the points.

