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  • Thank you!

    This game is amazing, thank you for releasing this internationally. I haven't had this much fun in a competitive game in a long time and I know absolutely nothing about soccer. The game is already worlds better than FS2, let me give you some examples.

    Central Server - People have been begging for a central server in FS2 for over a year and still nothing has happened. FSF did it right.
    Ping doesn't break the game - I'm playing with 70 ping in FSF, I'm not sure how ping affects the game at all but it feels like everyone is on an even playing ground when it's not 200+ ping Brazilians lagging through all the tackles. Speaking of which....
    SA server - Holy shit. It only took you 2 weeks to get a server that fits for your player base? This is incredible. I don't know who is running the show nor have I met any GM's, but you guys are doing fantastic! Keep up the great work!
    No bullshit card system or pay to win aspect - This is probably my favorite part of the game. There is no ridiculous card system to ruin the game. People don't have an unfear advantage just because they got lucky or spent thousands of dollars more than you. Clothes all give the same stats, everyone can invest in the training. No one is inherently over or under powered compared to others, skill decides the outcome more than anything else in this game and I love it.
    Consistent updates - Not only do they fix things right away, they don't take 5 hours to fix one thing. This is fantastic as well! I love how active the dev team and GM's are with this game. It really shows how much you care about your product and your audience and makes me want to play it more.

    The only thing left to see is how well the dev and GM team can deal with hackers as they will come... eventually, as this is probably FS2's biggest problem. If the FSF team can stay on top of these things. There is no doubt in my mind this game will succeed.

    Thank you for delivering a fantastic game!

  • #2
    Popcorn said it all. If the GMs would allow us to get more legend cards and substat changers via events, the playing field would be much more fair IMO.

    I hope the GMs behind FSF make a baseball, football and hockey game as well. If they did, I imagine baseball would come first since it's popular in Japan, Korea and Taiwan. Till then, one can only dream.


    • #3
      There are already people speed hacking with cheat engine using the same bypass they use to hack on FS2 with cause FS2 and FSF both have the same garbage blacklisting anti cheat.


      • #4
        I like fs soccer

